What Are Trader Joe’s Store Hours (Including Holidays)

Trader Joe's Hours
Trader Joe’s Hours

When is Trader Joe’s Open? What Are Trader Joe’s Hours During the Holidays? 

Want to know when Trader Joe’s is open or closed? What holidays are they open?

I get a lot of questions about when Trader Joe’s is open and not open so I thought I would quickly answer this and give it its own page.

I know we all like to shop at Trader Joe’s or you wouldn’t be here, but it’s hard keeping track of what store is open and when. Places like Costco have notorious short hours and are closed a lot of days that you wouldn’t expect them to be like on Easter Sunday when everyone else is open.

Trader Joe’s keeps it really simple for you to remember.

All of Trader Joe’s stores are open from 8 am to 9 pm seven days a week.*

(*There are caveats to this. The vast majority of Trader Joe’s stores are open 8-9 every day, but some localities are open 9-9 or even 11-9 on Sundays. Please check your local store hours at the Trader Joe’s website. https://www.traderjoes.com/home/store-search)

Simple. But here it is in a table format just in case you need it:

Trader Joe’s Daily Store Hours:


Monday8 am to 9 pm
Tuesday8 am to 9 pm
Wednesday8 am to 9 pm
Thursday8 am to 9 pm
Friday8 am to 9 pm
Saturday8 am to 9 pm
Sunday8 am to 9 pm

Trader Joe’s Major Holidays:


Martin Luther King DayRegular Hours
President’s DayRegular Hours
Good FridayRegular Hours
EasterReduced Hours.
Check Local Store.
Memorial DayRegular Hours
Independence DayReduced Hours.
Closes at 5pm.
Labor DayRegular Hours
Columbus DayRegular Hours
Veteran’s DayRegular Hours
Day Before ThanksgivingRegular Hours
Black FridayRegular Hours
Christmas EveReduced hours
(closes at 5pm)
Christmas DayClosed
Day after ChristmasRegular Hours
New Year’s EveReduced Hours
New Year’s DayClosed

In case you need to find your exact store because some of them are different than others, you should consult the Trader Joe’s location finder on their website: Trader Joe’s Store Locator

Is Trader Joe’s closed on Christmas?

Yes, Trader Joe’s is closed on Christmas Day and also Trader Joe’s will be closed for business on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.

Is Trader Joe’s Closed on New Year’s Eve?

Trader Joe’s will close early at 5 pm on New Year’s Eve so their employees can have some time off.

Is Trader Joe’s closed on New Year’s Day?

Most grocery stores are open, but Trader Joe’s is taking the day off. Trader Joe’s is closed on New Year’s Day!

Is Trader Joe’s Stores Closed on Martin Luther King (MLK) Day?

All Trader Joe’s Stores are OPEN on Martin Luther King Day for regular business hours of 8 am to 9 pm.

Are Trader Joe’s Stores Closed on Presidents Day?

All Trader Joe’s Stores are OPEN on Presidents Day for a regular day of business hours 8 am to 9 pm.

Is Trader Joe’s Close on Easter Sunday?

Yes, they are open on Easter Sunday. Some locations might close early at 5 pm. Please check with your local store.

Does Trader Joe’s deliver?

While Trader Joe’s itself does not deliver, you can still get your TJ’s fix by using not one, but two delivery service options to bring your groceries to you. Or you can order from Amazon or eBay through third-party sellers.

Trader Joe’s Hours of Operation

Is Trader Joe’s closed on the 4th of July (Independence Day)?

Trader Joe's Fourth of July
Trader Joe’s Fourth of July

See my Fourth of July Essentials list of products to buy to make your celebration complete! 

Trader Joe’s is open on the Fourth of July (July 4th) but some Trader Joe’s close early on the 4th of July at 5 pm. Check your local Trader Joe’s to see if they have a special schedule.

Is Trader Joe’s open on Labor Day?

What grocery stores are open on Labor Day?  Trader Joe’s is open for business on Labor Day.

Trader Joe's Hours Sign
Trader Joe’s Hours Sign

Is Trader Joe’s open on Memorial Day?

Trader Joe’s is open for business on Memorial Day, regular hours.

Is Trader Joe’s closed on Thanksgiving Day?

Trader Joe’s will be closed on Thanksgiving Day at every location. Trader Joe’s will be open on Black Friday.

Shopping at Trader Joes
Shopping at Trader Joe’s

Is Trader Joe’s closed on Christmas?

Trader Joe’s will be closed for business on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day as explained by Holiday Shopping Hours.

What is the best day of the week to shop at Trader Joe’s?

The best days to shop at Trader Joe’s are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. They are the slowest days of the week.

What are the best times of the day to shop at Trader Joe’s

The best time of day is early in the morning, typically between 8 am and 10 am, or late in the evening after 7 pm.

What is the worst day of the week to shop at Trader Joe’s

Hands down, the worst day of the week to shop at Trader Joe’s is Saturday. The next worst day of the week is Sunday.

What is the worst time of the day to shop at Trader Joe’s

Usually, the busiest times on weekends are between noon at 4 pm. The busiest times of the day on weekdays are right after people get off work around 5 pm.

Does Trader Joe’s have senior hours?

Not anymore. During the Covid crisis, many locations implemented senior hours, but most of those have gone away with the lifting of Covid restrictions.