I can’t remember the first place I had a breakfast burrito, but I have to admit it was probably at McDonalds a few years back and I actually thought it was a great idea. Kinda of like breakfast pizza (pizza topped with sausage, eggs, cheese and bacon). It was one of those things that I wished I thought of it myself! I’m sure some poor starving college student looked in the fridge and all they had was eggs, cheese and some tortillas and said, yum! More complicated ones have beans, potatoes, tomatoes and such, but the base is still eggs. Dead simple and fun to eat.
On my way to the frozen section to pick up my supply of Vans…. I mean, Trader Joe’s whole wheat waffles for the kids (they eat them like crazy) I noticed these breakfast burritos sitting there. I don’t know if I remember seeing them before, but now I had to try them!
These were featured in the Fearless Flyer in August 2011 and here is a description from the website: “Wouldn’t it be great if we all had the time to sit at our dining tables and eat a slow, relaxed breakfast before heading out into the world each day? Sure sounds nice, though we don’t know too many folks who can manage to make that happen most of the time. Since we don’t recommend skipping breakfast, we do recommend Trader José’s Breakfast Burritos. These are medium-sized flour tortillas filled with scrambled eggs, nitrite-free turkey bacon, our lite shredded cheese blend and hash browns made with russet potatoes – probably similar to what you’d put in a burrito if you had the time for that leisurely breakfast.”
I really like the idea of breakfast burritos! I really, really wanted to like these, but here again is another example where TJ’s goes a little overboard on the healthy food kick. These include “nitrite free turkey bacon”. OK, this stuff had no flavor what so ever. I couldn’t taste any bacon flavor at all! Then comes the lite shredded cheese. Again, no flavor. I couldn’t really tell there was cheese in it at all. Really all I tasted was some eggs and potatoes. I had to put a bunch of salt and pepper on them and then dip the burrito in some Trader Joe’s Salsa! What I would like is that Breakfast Scramble (Made in France by the way) they had before which was very good and wrap that in a tortilla. I’m probably not going to ever buy these again, just no flavor!
I’m going to rate this one 4 bells!