Ok, I have to admit something to you all. I have a bit of a closet sweet tooth. Don’t tell Becky because she thinks I’m super restrained at not eating sweets, but sometimes I break down and will snarf a handful of cookies when she’s not looking! I almost ate a whole tray of these cookies after sampling one! Darn Trader Joe’s and those Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough cookies!

In my store, the Trader Joe’s Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough packs are tucked out of the way back by the eggs in the way back of the store and I don’t know why, they should be over there with all the other refrigerated foods so more people will buy them. I guess it’s not the same for every store, when I go to the swanky new Redmond store (boy it’s nice to be able to move around the store without banging into people all the time!), they are easy to see but at my Kirkland, WA (Kirkland? Ring a bell for you Costco shoppers? Guess who’s headquarters is here in the Seattle area?) these are way out of the way and I missed them for a really long time until a couple of weeks ago I had to buy some extra eggs for Easter and looked over and saw these gems sitting on the shelf.

I told myself the kids need some cookies! Yeah, right! The last thing my kids need is more sugary cookies! But for the sake of the blog (another crutch) I just had to get them and try them out. Basically what you have here are 16 little unbaked cookie balls. What you do is heat up the oven, put these on a baking sheet, bake for the prescribed amount of time, and then Bam! you have 16 of the most delicious cookies you’ve ever made.

I broke down and confessed to my wife that I had made these and she took one bite and said she’d never make homemade chocolate chip cookies again. Why bother when these are so simple and soooo good! They say in the directions that you can bake them for a shorter time to get softer, chewier cookies or longer for crisper, crunchier cookies. I opted for the chewy version and I was well rewarded!

These cookies just melt in your mouth! Then when you bite into them, there are these huge chunks of chocolate in them. They are chunks, not chips like you buy at the store. It’s like someone broke off pieces of a chocolate bar and mixed them in there. But I have to back up a bit, you can see that the cookies are already a dark color, that’s because the batter is chocolate flavored to begin with. So, you have chocolate-flavored dough with these huge chunks of chocolate swimming in the cookies. Of course, the kids when nuts for them. I thought these cookies would last at least a couple of days, but no way, they were gone that night. The whole family pigged out on them!
Final Verdict
You know I am no slouch in the kitchen. I can pretty much make anything if I put my mind to it, but here is one of these products you didn’t know existed and now you can wow your friends with these cookies and take claim for making them! These are almost too easy to make and I’m afraid that if I buy more we will snarf them down in a second again!
I am going to have to give these Trader Joe’s Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough cookies 9 solid Bells!

[…] 6. Trader Joe’s Chunky Chocolate Chip Dough […]
My family has been devouring these for a few years, they are the best chocolate cookies we’ve ever had. In our store, on the East coast, they are in a box and are frozen, today I was told they were discontinued and are being replaced with a ‘fresh’ version that will be in the refrigerated section. I am gathering that that is what you have. Have you ever had the frozen ones? The packaging is exactly the same just box versus bag. I can’t stand when Joe’s discontinues items we like but this one is over the top! If it is the same dough though, just moving to the refrigerated section, maybe we’ll survive!
After using these cookies for several years as a , ‘go to, in a pinch’, I was disappointed this past Christmas season, in the taste and performance of the cookie. Was the recipe changed? They don’t taste the same, nor do they spread out and look the same as before. They are smaller, not as soft , darker, and harder, etc. I have used these for so long I had it down to a science for crispy, soft, or firm cookies. I checked my oven, baking methods, temperature, etc. Since August of this year I have noticed the change. Sadly, I will not be buying these any more. Less work out time for me, though.
I haven’t made these cookies in a while. As you say, the recipe was stable for so long I never thought about double checking them. But as Trader Joe’s has shown over the years, they will change suppliers from time to time on a time honored product and it completely screws it up. Look at the chicken nuggets and salmon patties. Sorry… I would complain to the manager of your store and leave it at that…
[…] Check out Trader Joe’s Cookie Dough […]
[…] offerings of Chocolate Chip cookies and many of them very good! Although I had to bake these Chocolate Chip Cookies, they were well worth it. Like I mentioned before, I have a bit of a closet sweet tooth. I […]
Today I was told by a TJ cashier that these cookies are discontinued. Say it isn’t so.
I’ve made these for years. Brought to all family functions and visits. Went to purchase a few weeks ago and told dc’d. I agree it is bc placed back of store near eggs. I used my Martha Stewart cookie book recipe to make her snickerdoodles which everyone loves. I was yelled at about the chocolate chip cookies by the kids because these are what they are used to me bringing!!! Does anyone have a suggestion for replacement??
these cookies disappeared from my store and were replaced by an absolutely DISGUSTING gluten free version. why? why? why?