Trader Joe’s Greek Style Drinkable Pomegranate Yogurt

In contention for the longest name for a product at Trader Joe’s, today we have Trader Joe’s Organic Greek Style Drinkable Lowfat Yogurt Pomegranate Berry.

I have been noticing a lot of yogurt products at Trader Joe’s and elsewhere have been moving to Greek Style so I had to look up the difference. Apparently, Greek style yogurt is strained and this reduces the fat and sugar content and boosts the protein content. In regular  yogurt, 1 cup of milk gives you one cup of yogurt. In Greek style yogurt, up to four cups of milk to one cup of yogurt. I think the culture must be different too because most of the ones I taste are somewhat tangy and have more a more sour flavor profile, which I find more refreshing.

(BTW, I eat yogurt every day but the only reason is that my younger son will not eat the Blueberry half of the Blueberries and Cream Yogurt cups so I’m stuck with the blueberry half every morning. Not a bad deal I must say!)

My wife is the yogurt freak, but I tasted this too. I really like the richness of this drink. It’s more like a smoothie in consistency than some of the other yogurt drinks aimed at kids. Most kids might turn their noses up at the tang in this drink, but like I said my wife and I really liked it! There is a nice subtle sweetness that is not over the top so obviously less sugar in this. As you can see it has a nice pink color obviously from the pomegranates and berries. This could become a staple for my wife in the morning! She rated it 8 or 9 bells. I’m going to give it 8 bells too! Also a bonus is the fact that it’s Organic!

We love this stuff and rate it 8 Bells!

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