Leave it to Trader Joe’s to put a funny spin on the name of a product that could be a hard sell. Really, who wants to eat reconstituted and fried peas as a snack. I guess if you fry it and put enough salt on it, anyone will eat it!
Well basically what you have here is peas that have been ground up mixed with canola oil and some rice and puffed up and fried. They are a light green color and and smell slightly of peas. They are clearly some type of puffed and fried snack as you can see in the picture. The question is do you want to put them in your mouth? First, they are pretty darn salty so it’s not something I would probably give a small kid just on the salt thing. But if you want a snack that’s got that salty/fried component and is probably better for you than snacking on pretzels or potato chips then this is for you. These actually have a decent amount of protein and fiber seeing they are made from peas. Once you get past the salt, you can faintly taste some peas, but the flavor is not strong. I am one that loves fresh peas and could eat them everyday so that is not a turn off for me. I know some people have a strong aversion to peas so I don’t think you would be eating these anyway! Other than the salt and the mild pea flavor, it is all crunch. They are satisfyingly crunchy!
Would I buy these again? Sure! I really liked them as a snack. Hell, even the kids ate them! (mine are pre-teen so it’s hard to keep them away from salty snacks) The fake pea shape is kind of fun and easy to grab. The only downside is the excessive salt. I will give these 7 bells!